Nascar Racing 1999 Edition
TPTCC '99 version 1.0
*Bull Run 2K Addon Track
*Bull Run 99 E-Changer Utility*available from the Files page
Nascar Racing 1999 Versions
Both versions of N99 are allowed for the race, either the DOS or Windows exe files. However, keep in mind that the race save files with each are not compatible. If your teammate starts with the DOS version you will need to resume the race using the DOS version as well, and the same for the Windows version.
Wed November 10 - Wed November 17Registration will take place between the dates above. Each car must must be registered with two drivers. Once registration has closed there are no changes to teams, drivers, cars or class allowed.
Race Classes and Scoring
There are two classes for the race, Super Touring and V8 Supercars. Although both will be racing at the same time, these two divisions will be scored as two separate races. A driver may be registered to drive a car in both classes so long as that driver is not racing in the same segment in both classes.
Final race results will be scored by the following method:
-laps completed
-race time for local race winners
-race position for local race non-winners
-qualifying position for local race non-winners tied for positionAll regular TPTCC rules pertaining to racing conduct will be enforced:
-two tires must remain on the track at all times
no intentional bumping of the AI carsMistakes will happen and cause you to go off track, but intentional shortcuts and/or intentionally ramming AI cars is not allowed.
Mon November 22 - Thurs Nov 25Each team must designate one driver to qualify the car for the race. This same driver will take part in the Qualifying Shootout, (if the team qualifies top 3 in class), and must also start the race. The qualifying session is 30 minutes long, a maximum of 15 laps and run in Practice mode as outlined below.
-set up N99 according to the qualifying settings and enter practice mode
-when complete save the full replay of your final lap (does not have to be the fastest, just the final lap)
-the elapsed time in the bottom right of the replay screen may not exceed 30 minutes
-click on standings and name the file according to your team name
-the number of laps completed on the standings file must be 15 or less
-once you've finished the above hit exit to leave the race weekend, and return to windows
-in windows zip the replay and standings file, naming the zip according to your team name
(the replay will have an rpt or rpy extension [rpt for supertouring, rpy for supercars], and be found in your bulrun2k track directory, the standings file will have an stn extension and be found in your main n99 directory)
-attach the zip file to an email and submit it to for the Super Touring class or for the V8 Supercar class
-each driver gets one chance to qualify the car, no reruns
Qualifying Shootout
Sat November 27Once the qualifying results have been received and sorted the top 3 cars in each class will take place in the Qualifying Shootout. The drivers drivers that qualified each of these cars will be asked to meet along with race officials, participants and onlookers, in the TPTCC chat room. Each driver will be given a specified time limit to exit the chat, enter N99, run a single lap qualifying session and return to the chat. The top 3 positions in each class will be determined by the results of the shootout.
The Race
Mon November 29 - Sun December 12The race consists of four segments with each driver saving the race at the end of each. The following rules apply:
-results for each segment will only be accepted between the dates outlined on the schedule
-no driver may complete more than 52 laps per segment
-no driver may run two or more segments in a row
-all driver changes must take place in the pits
-driver changes may only take place at the end of a segment, a driver change then results in the end of that car's segment
-race saves may only take place for driver changes or weather changes
-weather changes will be outlined at the beginning of each segment
Weather changes are new for this year's race. They are accomplished by using the Bull Run 99 E-Changer utility. For example, the settings for segment 2 might outline the following conditions:
Rain - Lap 60 to 82
Evening - Lap 83 to 110In this case drivers would have to save the exit the race during lap 60, (saving when prompted), and run the E-Changer selecting the wet option. At this time locate the racesave.bin file in the bulrun2k track directory and create a copy of the file named w2r.bin, (w for weather, 2 for segment 2 and r for rain). Likewise, at the end of lap 82 the driver must exit, (saving when prompted), run E-Changer to select the evening option and create a copy of racesave.bin called w2e.bin. I this example the change to rain must take place before lap 60 is completed and the change to evening must take place after 82 laps have been completed. The car does not have to pit to make the weather changes, the save can be done while the car is on the track. At the end of segment two the driver in this example would then submit three race save files to scoring, the w2r.bin, w2e.bin and finally the racesave.bin file from the end of the segment.
The Race Start - Segment 1
To start the race the driver that qualified the car loads up a new race in N99, according to the race settings. Load the team's race setup within the N99 race weekend and proceed directly to the race. All drivers will start the race from the rear of the field. The race is on!
Saving Segments 1-3
At the end of each of the first three segments the driver must bring the car into the pits for service and exit the race. Click the standings file and save the standings as XXYY where XX is the team's car number and YY is the segment number. Once the save is made the driver exits the race weekend, choosing "Yes" when prompted to save the race. Return to windows and locate the racesave.bin file in the Bulrun2k track directory. Rename the file XXYY.bin where XX is the car number and YY is the segment number just completed. Zip both the standings and the race save files and attach to an email addressed to for the Super Touring class or for the V8 Supercar class. The subject line should read "1000-Segment #__ Your team name". In the body of the email include your number of laps completed and race position from your local race.
Also send the file to the car's next driver. To run the next segment this driver will rename the file racesave.bin and copy it to the bulrun2k track directory. When the race is loaded the driver chooses "Yes" to resume the saved race. The driver will find the car in the pits and ready to continue the race with the driver change complete.
The Final Segment
Saving the final segment is very important. Follow these guidelines to ensure your car is scored properly.
1) Take the checkered flag and continue around until the race is completely over. If you are not sure the race is complete, make sure the race ending screen comes up when you exit (I'm pretty sure you'll see some Stooges on this screen:)). Once complete save the race standings and a replay of the entire last lap. Exit the race weekend.
2) Address an email to for the Super Touring class or for the V8 Supercar class with a subject line the same as outlined for the first 3 segments. Zip both the race standings file(s) and the replay and attach the zip to the email.
Be Prepared
Be prepared, do some testing to work out the file transfer glitches and team strategy. Things to think about are who's going to qualify/start the race? How many laps are we going to run each segment to ensure we finish? Don't leave any questions until the last minute. If you're not sure about anything post a message to the message board.